Sven has been with KPMG for four years with a total of eleven years within the profession. The last year as a partner of KPMG Sweden and head of scale-ups and growth. Sven is widely known in the industry under the hashtag #Tillväxtrevisorn. Sven is in demand as a speaker within scale-up and growth sector but also concerning issues within accounting, taxation, legal matters, smart structures and also on how you can build a personal brand within the auditing and accounting profession. Sven has a wide range of companies in his client portfolio, while most of them are either scale-ups or startups. Sven himself rather talks about phases than industries, but he has many clients within e-commerce, retail, SaaS and research and development. He has helped many entrepreneurs from an idea to exit – either through a transaction or by a public listing. Furthermore he has a vast experience of seting up incentive structures.