Arctic15 is known for effective networking, and Stockholm deserves nothing less.
We are bringing Arctic15 success formula to Stockholm to create something new and fresh. Mixing Swedish growth companies and investors with their international counterparts to facilitate new DEALS to happen. It is efficient and worth your time. Join us in Stockholm for the exciting two days of action, friendship and participation. Connect with movers and shakers of the Nordic tech ecosystem and experience Stockholm business scene in a new way!
Choose people you want to meet
Register with Deal Room matchmaking platform, complete your profile and start scheduling mettings!
Make up your own schedule
Choose tracks, keynote and workshops you want to attend, and allocate some space in your calendar for spontanious meetings on the spot.
Have efficient 1-on-1 meetings on the spot
Fill your peak time with effective 20-minutes meetings in the matchmaking area.
Negotiate deals and build meaningful connections
Negotiate deals, receive professional advice and guidance and get better at your business networking with every next meeting.
Additional information
We believe in true entrepreneurship!
That is why at Arctic15 we focusĀ on quality networking and helping people make deals. Arctic15 is a meeting spot for startup entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and media from 60+ countries. We match businesses in the most efficient way by providing them with knowledge, contacts and all year access to international experts in entrepreneurship, marketing and business psychology.