Recognizing a void in the market for personalized venture consulting services, Raida established Amkan Advisory, a boutique consultancy firm specializing in assisting family offices and high-net-worth individuals in identifying venture funds that align with their specific strategies. Given that first-time fund managers often possess the most aligned incentives with their investors, she understood the significant value they bring to the venture capital landscape. However, Raida also understood the reluctance of family offices to commit capital to relatively unproven managers. By curating a portfolio of carefully selected funds, she aims to mitigate the perceived risk associated with investing in first-time managers while still accessing the high-growth potential of emerging ventures. Amkan Ventures emerged to offer LPs access to emerging managers beyond their direct reach. Focusing on small Funds I and II led by ambitious managers with a conviction-driven approach, the firm prioritizes delivering returns and nurturing opportunities in the venture arena.