Laura Smith
I believe life is about connection — that it’s about people braiding cords of commonality between each other, rather than erecting walls and structures to separate us. In my life, I look for the cords, I create the connections, and I always find people with value on the other end.
Professionally, my cords are twined with words and research. I study groups and behaviors, and I find words that reach the people I’d like to connect with. I aim for impact because I believe people’s lives are precious, our attention is finite, and if I use anyone’s time with my words, what I communicate had better be valuable – not just for myself or the company I work for, but for the people I aim to reach. I prefer my words to be meaningful, then, because what are we here for if we don’t make moments better with our contributions to them?
And how do I apply these convictions, you may wonder. Well, I’m a Communications Director and researcher, a business builder, and inclusion advocate. Let me know if you’d want to connect around any of those topics — naturally, I’d value it.