Dr Miimu Airaksinen works as Senior Vice President for development in SRV Group
Plc. In her responsibility is the SRV’s sustainability and lifecycle-wise construction
strategy. Before she was the CEO and Managing Director at RIL Finnish Association
of Civil Engineers. She is also currently a member of the EU Mission Board Assembly on
Climate Neutral and Smart Cities. Before she joined RIL she worked for over 10 years
as a research professor in the Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT. She is
currently active in the European Innovation Platform for Smart Cities and Communities.
In addition, she is working closely with ECTP European Construction Technology
The platform on real estate and construction sector digitalisation. At the moment she
leads a CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and
Construction) task group for smart cities, in addition, she is a CIB board member. She
was also nominated to UN habitat policy advisor for group 9 focusing on smart cities.
Airaksinen is also working as a domain expert in European Cooperation in the field
of Scientific and Technical Research, COST, Transport and Urban Development.